Florida Fighting Conch

Florida Fighting Conch

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Miscellaneous Day of Shells

So today is a half day in school and tomorrow is my 17th birthday and on Sunday I have my Grande Finale show for horseback riding, so I'm very excited. But we all gotta get our shelling fix, so here goes! This post will be a compilation of various shell photos and topics. :D

I found this Northern Quahog in Southport, NC about five years ago. You can see the purple part on the inside of the shell, Native Americans carved beads from it.

This is a Purple Sea Fan, it is a soft coral. Soft corals are made up of colonies of teeny polyps. They do not need symbiotic algae to survive, like stony corals do, so they can live in deeper waters with less light. I found this Sea Fan in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

I got this Sea Horse in a nature center in North Carolina. Sea Horses can change colors like chameleons and their eyes move separately on one another. Also, male Sea Horses have pouches under their stomachs where the females lay their eggs and then the male Sea Horse gives birth to the babies. :)

And in case you were wondering about the background in my two photos before, I want to show you my new bed spread. Yes it has shells!!!!!!!! 

Moving on to shellart. I drew this picture of a Sea Horse after seeing my Sea Horse (several photos above). Then I glued the picture into a frame and decorated it with seashells and coral. Hope you like it! 

Yesterday was a snow day, and as you guys know , I love playing in the snow with some shells. So here's a shell bow in the snow! What shells do you see and can you name?

Very kindly, one of my brothers agreed to be a hand model and hold some of my shells over the snow. Here's a close-up.

And here's the complete photo! It's just so cute!

Anyways, I hope that all you guys who are freezing in the snow, just like I am, enjoyed this post! Don't worry, spring is just around the corner.

By for now,
Lava of Ocean Dawn :D

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